Friday, 18 September 2009

Blackberry or iPhone?..

Blackberry is a business device trying hard to appeal and popularize itself, while iPhone appears to be the present generation trinket clamoring for corporate acceptance. Its hard to compare these, as with every other feature one appear to be out shadowing the other. Both exhibit their excellence in some features and falters in some other. Which one to go for completely depends on what their personal lifestyle demands. Here are few points in which Blackberry holds an upper hand over iPhone.

1. Apple iPhone doesn't provide much options based on their cosmetic or aesthetic looks, all models are almost same only capacities differ them from one another. So for people who who want their gadget to have impressive and different first look, can enjoy the nearly Nine models of Blackberry which brings luxurious options like touch screens, clamshells and candy bars.

2. The present world is about multitasking, but unfortunately iPhone does not provide you this facility for third party applications instead options compels to close one application before you go for next, where as Blackberry has ability to run applications in the background and allow to do many things at a time.

3. The multimedia messaging service may not be an very important utility for many users but for those who wants this to be in their portable device needs to choose Blackberry again or wait till summer when iPhone is expected to get this util. But surprisingly none of the iPhone models have MMS till now.

4. Tethering is another essential utility missing in iPhone hence it cant be used as laptop modem as it was expected to be part of 3.0 software updates but yes with Blackberry it has long been possible with many models.

5. Even with the release of its 3.0 OS, the iPhone continued lack of offline access to e-mail and some look at it as security vulnerability as well. With Blackberry there is almost 99% chance that it will work with company's e-mail and go well with corporate integration.

Well, all these might come true one day in iPhone as well but by that time Blackberry might have gone much ahead with cleaner and better options. Have to see if a day comes when iPhone matches or take lead in these areas with Blackberry.

by Sandeep

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